Fun game.
However, despite having a virus that is even more subdued and less lethal then Type1 herpes, I still end up having a world wide panic for something that does nothing but spread by human contact. Now, look at herpes (type1), It is a virus that causes cold sores, if you have ever had a cold sore, you are a victim of type1 herpes. It is rated for every 2 people 1 will have herpes type one, that makes roughly 3.5 billion people world wide infected, and frankly i don't see any government closing down borders for it. (Also if you're thinking I'm talking about the other herpes, that's type2, the kind you really don't want to get.
Now, if only for that reason i agree with the other commenter about how you should make goverments relax about a none-visible, none-symptom producing virus (though seriously, I think parasites would not be ignored simply because they're subsisting on a person's bodily fluids) if not that, but possibly allow a virus to become dormant and if it is wiped out, a higher evolved form of the virus will infect the surviving population.
This was still a very fun game. I think you did good displaying the airplanes and ships, however, sometimes ships will become lost at see simply because they cannot find an open port. Oh well.